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From NBDb
Revision as of 13:59, 22 November 2019 by Ondo (talk | contribs)
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The NBDb (short for Nonbinary Database) is a compilation of concepts relevant to nonbinary identities, such as neutral pronouns, identity labels, nonbinary people, and more. NBDb's information is presented in a structured way, meaning that it's easily readable by both humans and computers. Unlike the Nonbinary Wiki, NBDb's information is simple and straight-forward, presenting only short facts instead of long-form text.

Join us

Editing the NBDb is easy! All data is entered using forms, meaning that you don't need to learn any kind of code. If you feel lost, take a look at the editing guide; in order to create a new item, just click the following button:

Create a new item!
Tip: use the search bar to check if the item already exists.
Re-using our content

All contents on the NBDb, unless stated otherwise, are released under the CC0 license, meaning that you can re-use them for any purpose with no restrictions whatsoever. If you would like to use the NBDb as a base for your project, you are free to do so, although we would love to hear about the project!

From a technical stand-point, the NBDb runs MediaWiki with the Wikibase Repository extension installed. Please refer to the Wikibase API documentation for information on how to build your own software using data from the NBDb.

Our friends
Nonbinary Wiki
The wiki dedicated to nonbinary gender identities.
Go check it out!
Gender Census
the annual survey of humans worldwide whose genders or lack thereof are not fully described by the gender binary.
Go check them out!